Touch Pad 5


Touchpad is computer series are educational resources designed to teach various

aspects of computer science and related fields. They typically offer progressive

learning, cover diverse topics like programming, networking, and cybersecurity,

include practical examples and exercises, and are authored by experts. These books

are often updated to reflect the latest developments, may come with

supplementary materials, and sometimes focus on exam preparation for industry



Touchpad is computer series are educational resources designed to teach various

aspects of computer science and related fields. They typically offer progressive

learning, cover diverse topics like programming, networking, and cybersecurity,

include practical examples and exercises, and are authored by experts. These books

are often updated to reflect the latest developments, may come with

supplementary materials, and sometimes focus on exam preparation for industry


  • Computational Thinking

Enables to help solve problems and make thinking more engaging

  • Inter-Disciplinary

Connects knowledge across the curriculum for holistic development

  • Subject Enrichment

understanding and skill developing in specific subject

  • Art Integration

Interlinks education with art and culture

  • Critical Thinking

Strengthens logical decision making and innovation

  • Communication

Emphasis on soft skills and power of language

  • Creativity

Enhances imagination to generate new ideas

  • Experiential Learning

Encourages ‘learning by doing’ through hands-on activities

  • Life Skills & Values

Inclined towards empowering moral values in learner


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